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the conservatory method

“We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.” – Willy Wonka

fun = success

success = fun

Lessons need to be educational, but they need to be fun, too; and our award-winning, multiple-key methodology does just that. We teach our students to play the piano through reading music. Understanding the relationship between the keys accelerates easy and effortless reading and playing. Just as there are different reading levels in school, there are different reading levels in music. The more you read, the better reader you become; and the process gets easier and easier.

One of our students playing piano and reading sheet music in class

We teach the elements of music reading and immerse our students in materials designed to reinforce these concepts. We aren’t going to try to teach a Beethoven Sonata in three easy lessons, nor will we spend six months playing one song. We would rather spend time playing 300 songs which are ultimately going to build our skillset.

Oh, and it’s more fun, too.

Practicing should not take hours and hours of repetition. The better a student becomes at reading music, the easier it is to practice. In every lesson, we take our students through each song they need to practice, including a specialized system of marking the music so our students know exactly what to do at home.

Success breeds success, and proper motivation to make correct choices and positive reinforcement for those good choices leads to continued success and measurable progress at every level, without having to practice for an hour a day.